A selection in the premises of the Whale Museum

Recently, a major inspection took place in the Whale Museum's premises on the ground floor, under the museum itself. Various things had gathered there that were not related to the activities of the museum, in addition to the fact that whales have been worked on and cleaned in the space over the years, and the space has not always been systematically cleaned after that work. Then, over the years, swamp red has come up through the stone floor. This summer, the first round of sorting was done, and some of the excess stuff was put in storage and some was thrown away.


As you can see, the space is in a bad state and now needs painting, floating floors and making the space greener for the future.

As you can see, the space is in a bad state and now needs painting, floating floors and making the space greener for the future.

During the last few days, the second round was carried out and the Whale Museum agreed with the Garðar Rescue Team for help with the work and they arrived with a lot of people, equipment and tools and the work was done quickly and well in one evening. We thank them very much for their good cooperation.


As you can see, the floor is in rather bad shape, and the red of the swamp has appeared there over the years.

As you can see, the floor is in rather bad shape and over the years, swamp red has come up there and left its mark on it.


US Ambassador visits museum

US Ambassador, Robert C. Barber, visited the Húsavík Whale Museum recently. Ambassador Barber met with museum staff and local students who participated in the Connecting Coastal Communities project in 2015/2016. In addition to that, he met with whale watching operators in Húsavík to learn about recent, current and future challenges and cheer the operators to keep up the good and professional work.


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