The whale watching season from Húsavík gets off to a lively start

Whale watching trips from Húsavík started at the beginning of March. The weather has been decent and the attendance excellent. Two whale watching companies, Norðursaigling and Gentle Giants, now sail daily with tourists out of Skjálfand. The season is getting off to a good start and many species have been seen in the last few days as there has been a lot of food in the bay and quite a lot of shad have been on the move lately. Today, three species of large whales were seen in one and the same trip, fin whales, humpback whales and sand whales. Orcas and dolphins have also been seen at Skjálfand in the last few days.


Langreyður on Skjálfand. Photo: Garðar Thröstur Einarsson