The weather has been beautiful this week in Húsavík and the bay is just full of humpback whales. These clumsy but friendly looking whales have been migrating north from their breeding grounds in the Caribbean.
Christian Schmidt, a guide at North sailing said he had seen between 20 and 30 individual humpbacks on a single trip. He said they seemed to be very hungry and were working together in the feeding process.
Húsavík has better lived up to its name as the headquarters of Whale Watching in Iceland this week. The weather has been the best and the bay is full of humpbacks, but these clumsy but friendly whales have been making their way north from their breeding grounds at the equator.
Passengers from all the whale watching companies in the area have described the experience as an absolute adventure. One of the passengers said that sometimes the humpbacks would come so close to the boat that it was impossible to take a picture of them, or a video of their humpback movement.
Christian Schmidt, a guide at Norðurisigling said that he saw between 20 and 30 individuals on one trip, they seemed to be very hungry and worked together to get as much food as possible. Another resident of the town said that it was possible to watch them blow from Gónhól, the town's main viewpoint.