The Parliamentary Ombudsman has submitted his opinion regarding the complaint from Hvalur hf. regarding the postponement of whale hunting. He argues that the regulation on the postponement of the initiation of whale hunting lacks a clear legal basis and has not adhered to the requirements of moderation. The Ombudsman points out that when the laws on whale hunting were enacted in 1949, their main objective was the protection and maintenance of the whale population. He emphasizes that these laws have not been revised in light of recent plans for animal welfare, as outlined by the International Whaling Commission.
The opinion includes a timeline of events from the inspection report by the Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority (MAST) in 2022 to the recent opinion in January 2024. The Ombudsman sought information from the Ministry of Fisheries regarding the regulation on the temporary postponement of the initiation of whale hunting, which came into effect on September 1st of the previous year. He calls for a review of whale hunting regulations and directs the ministry to consider the perspectives outlined in his opinion for the future. The opinion does not specify conflicts or further actions, but the Ombudsman agrees with the explanations provided by the ministry regarding animal welfare considerations in whale hunting. However, he points out that moderation and the protection of the whale population should be the foundation of legislation in this area.
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The Parliamentary Ombudsman has submitted his opinion regarding the complaint of Hval hf. on the suspension of whaling. He believes that the regulation on the suspension of whaling does not have a clear enough basis in law and has not met the requirements of proportionality. The ombudsman points out that the whaling laws have not been reviewed in light of the animal welfare plans presented by the International Whaling Council.
The opinion is accompanied by a timeline of events from MAST's inspection report in 2022 until the recent opinion in January 2024. The Ombudsman requested information from the Ministry of Food regarding a regulation on the temporary suspension of the start of whaling. He offers a review of the whaling regulations and directs the ministry to keep the views in his opinion in mind for the future. The opinion does not include a specific conflict or follow-up effort, but the ombudsman agrees with the ministry's explanations regarding the animal welfare aspect of whaling, however points out that proportionality and the protection of the whale population should be the basis of laws in this area.
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