Good visitors to the museum

The Whale Museum has been visited this summer, as can be understood, but some visitors connect with the museum in a different and greater way than the traditional tourist.

Indeed, the Germans Elke Wald and Silke Ahlborn do, who visited the museum recently, when they spent a few days in Húsavík and its surroundings.

Both Elke and Silke worked at the Whale Museum since the turn of the century, Elke as a project manager under the executive management of Ásbjörn Björgvinsson, the founder of the Whale Museum, and Silke as a volunteer, in addition to which she later took on the role of guide on board the boats of Norðurisigling.


2016-06-22 14.01.18

Silke and Elke at the new foundry exhibition



2016-06-22 14.03.21

Namiyo Kubo's familiar work on the south wall


2016-06-22 14.04.58

It was a pleasant reunion for Elke, Silke and Jan, but there is a great friendship between them from the past.


2016-06-22 14.06.29

Go Iceland!



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A Whale Carcass in North Iceland

Last week staff from the Húsavík Whale Museum ventured to Eyjafjörður to take a closer look at a whale carcass on the

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