The whale museum in Húsavík receives a continuing education grant from the museum council

The Minister of Education and Culture has, after receiving the opinion of the Council of Museums, allocated continuing education grants from the museum fund to recognized museums in 2016 in accordance with the provisions of Article 7. collection act no. 141/2011.

A total of 21 recognized museums received lifelong learning grants this time, and Húsavík's Whale Museum was among them, but the total allocation of grants was a total of 4.6 million ISK.

The Whaling Museum's grant will be used for an introductory visit to New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA, where the Whaling Museum will be brought home. The museum's staff will go outside at the end of January, with the aim of strengthening the existing relationship between the two museums, but also to learn about the museum's activities with a special focus on education for school groups, relations with the local community, dissemination of information (exhibitions and objects) and preservation remember like bone and skeleton.


The New Bedford Whaling Museum is comprehensive and has different departments. Educational work in the museum is strong, in addition to active data collection and great support for research. The museum is community-oriented and annually holds dozens of events intended for the local community.

Here you can see a list over the allocation of continuing education grants for the year 2017.


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